In 2017, while residing in the picturesque city of Paphos, Cyprus, I discovered my fervor for the artistry of eyelash extension and subsequently, Permanent Makeup (PMU). My quest for mastery led me to undertake courses in Poland and Russia, supplemented by several online training sessions to enhance my expertise.
This journey equipped me with a wealth of experience, enabling me to innovate and refine my own unique technique. I've successfully reduced the time for a full set session from 2.5 hours to just 1.5 hours. My clients now relish the longevity of their lashes, which gracefully last for over 4 weeks, even in the sweltering heat of summer vacations. My skill set allows me to meticulously tailor eyelash designs to accentuate the natural beauty of any eye shape, concealing imperfections and emphasizing allure.
In 2019, I transitioned to the UK, carrying with me cherished memories of Cyprus, a place I still hold close to my heart. The dynamic evolution of the beauty industry captivates me, perhaps because I have an innate aversion to monotony. I'm thrilled to soon introduce a groundbreaking technique in eyelash artistry, which I believe will revolutionize the industry.